Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Boy Who Lived

#6 Harry Potter

List of Movies: The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkban, The Goblet of Fire, The Order of the Phoenix, The Half Blood Prince, The Deathly Hallows Part 1, Deathly Hallows Part 2

Why I love these movies: 

Who would have thought a book about a nerdy looking kid on the cover would become a worldwide phenomenon? I sure didn’t. I read the first Harry Potter book when I was 11 years old but with great reluctance. The cover made it look very dorky, but I eventually read it and loved it! At the time I thought it was just going to be popular among kids. That was until a few months later when my older brother Myke, who was 18 at the time, asked me if he could borrow my copy so he could read it himself. That was about the time I realized that this was going to be much more than just a kids book series. A few years later, on November 16 2001, I went to packed theater to experience the magic of Harry Potter on the big screen, and for or the next 10 years I had the privilege of seeing some of my favorite books turned into outstanding movies!

The thing I really like about these films is that even though there were four different directors, they were still pretty consistent. They changed in style and other things as they went along but they always stayed focused on the Harry, Ron, and Hermonie and there many adventures. They didn't include everything from the books, and that may have annoyed some fans, but they focused on making great films from the marvelous source material. Along with that, each film was casted perfectly, especially Gary Oldman as Sirus Black and Alan Rickman as Snape. Each film was a solid entry to the overall story, without any of the movies feeling out of place. These movies were able to create the magic and fun that the Harry Potter series should be, and that’s why I love them!

Favorite Film: The Order of the Phoenix 

To me this movie had a lot heart. I really felt like I could connect to Harry and the whole cast in this one. I think they did a great job at showing Harry’s struggle against the evil he is facing, and also how he was able to overcome it. I liked that because we all have those moments in our lives were we need to choose between what's right and the temptations we are facing. Along with that it had some pretty awesome fight scenes, especially with the final battle in the minster of magic. It also has some of the best character interactions.  My favorite scenes are the ones with Harry and Sirius, as well as all the Harry and Snape scenes. Another big reason I liked this one the most is because it has the most scenes with Gary Oldman as Sirus, which is one my favorite characters and actors! This was also the first movie I saw in 3D. 

The next best film in the series is the epic climax Deathly Hallows Part 2. While I loved all the battle scenes I think the best scenes go to Snape. Alan Rickman truly stole the show, and even brought a few tears to my eyes. This movie ended the series with a lot of action, but was also very inspiring. For me it showed how the lust for power and greed is truly destructive, and that its final outcome will only be misery. We must be willing to fight against the darkness in order to truly find peace, which you see Harry and his friends are finally able to achieve at the end of this film. The series third best film goes to The Prisnor of Azkban. This one went a different direction than the first two and was much darker. I love the twist at the end, and of course it introduces us to Sirus Black. 

My next favorite is the Goblet of Fire. This film was what I consider to be a very fun film, that is until the end when we get to see Voldemort for the first time. Following Goblet is Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows. I liked how this was different than most Harry Potter films, because the three main characters weren’t at Hogwarts once. It gave it a different approach that was fresh and not repetitive. The Half Blood Prince, is next on my list. This one almost felt like it was just a filler between the 5th and 7th, but with that said it still very was good, and it has one of the most pivotal scenes with the death of Dumbledore. The first two movies are my two least favorite. I still enjoy them because they showed us that Harry Potter could work as a movie, but they didn’t have as much excitement to them.

Final Rankings:

 The Order of the Phoenix

Deathly Hallows Part 2

The Prisoner of Azkaban

The Goblet of Fire

Deathly Hallows Part 1

The Half Blood Prince

The Chamber of Secrets

The Sorcerer’s Stone

Favorite Scene: 
The flash back Scene in Deathly Hallows Part 2, were we learn that Snape has been Harry’s protector all this time. These scenes were beautifully shot, and had so much emotion in them. Alan Rickman’s acting in these scenes are brilliant. This was also probably the most anticipated revelation of the whole series.

Favorite Quote: 
“The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”-Sirius Black

Favorite Hero: Ron Weasley

Favorite Villain: Lord Voldemort

Favorite Supporting Character: Sirius Black

Favorite Supporting Villain: Lucius Malfoy

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