Sunday, September 2, 2012

Coming Soon to a blog near you....My Top 12 Favorite Movie Series of All Time!

For most people watching a movie is just simply about entertainment. When my wife and I go see movies she almost always enjoys herself, but when the movie is done, the experience is pretty much over for her, but for me and my peculiar personality it's usually just beginning! After I watch a movie I love to get on Wikipedia or other sites and read about the movie, and find out how they made it. Its fascinating to me. I know my wife probably wishes that fascination went into something more productive like how to fix things, sorry babe;) With that said though certain movies have really proved to have had a very positive influences in my life. All the movies that will be on this list have either inspired me in some way or taught me an important life lesson. So my fascinations aren't totally a waste! I love discussing movies with people afterwards as well. A common dinner conversation when I'm with my siblings is the latest movies we have just watched. 

Many times the excitement for a movie begins before I even see it, especially if it's a sequel to one of my favorite movies. I love to watch the trailers, and discuss theories of what may happen. The hype for an upcoming movie is almost as fun as watching the movie itself. I kind of become like a little kid waiting for Christmas! Recently, my buddy Taylor Johnson and have been talking and speculating about The Dark Knight Rises for probably about the last two years. I think once we talked for an hour and half about it, yikes! While our wives may not always appreciate the excessive Batman talk, for us it’s something that we have bonded over the last few years, which has increased our friendship. I admit I am a pretty big nerd, but nerd or no,t movies have proved to be something that has brought a lot of fun to my life! 

Movies are also all about the experience for me. I can be a very nostalgic person at times, and some movies remind me of specific events in my life. For example, the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves reminds me of when I was little boy whenmy mom would go out of town. My mom really didn't like this interpretation of Robin Hood, so whenever she was gone these four mischievous little boys, and one grown up mischievous boy, would always sneak and watch it. (Sorry Ma!) When I think of that movie I don’t necessarily think of the movie itself, but I think of the good memories of bonding I had with my dad and brothers. When I think of the movie Lincoln Lawyer (edited), I think of the recent trip Taylor and I made to New York City. While we were there we stayed with Taylor's awesome cousins, Derek and Amanda Walker, and after a long day of walking around NYC we want back to their cozy little apartment and watched this entertaining flick. As weird as that all sounds, it’s a lot of fun for me to have these great memories associated with movies. The films in my list all have some great memories. 

Now I know the anticipation of finding out what my favorite movie series is probably just killing you. Your probably sweating in your chair right now because you are so anxious! I bet this is all you can think about! J So to make this a little more painful for you I want to point out a few ground rules of how I came up with this list. First off, these movies had to have made me want to talk about it with others. They had to make me want to see the sequels, and watch them numerous times. They had to have some kind of personal experience or memory associated with it. They had to have taught me something, or inspired me in some way. And most of all they had to keep me entertained. Now with that all said, you are going to have to stayed tuned for my post that kicks off my top 12 favorite movie series of all time! Let the hype and speculation begin!!!!

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