Sunday, April 8, 2012


I finally started this thing! I’ve been wanting to start a blog for while, but with school, work, church callings, and all the other things that kept coming up in my life I just never got around to it. About 2 months ago I got my blog design all ready, (which you can tell didn’t take me very long because it’s very plain) but then I never wrote anything. I am finally proud to say that I am now writing my first blog post.

When blogs first started getting popular I thought that I would never get one. I honestly thought it was kind of weird that people would go online, and tell other people about their personal lives. As I started looking and reading other peoples blogs I found that I really enjoyed reading them. It was fun to be able to read a friends blog who I have not seen in while and hear what was going on in their lives. But what I enjoyed more was reading blog posts where someone shared their thoughts or opinions on a particular subject. I felt like I really got to know someone’s personality better through reading their blogs. I got to learn things about people that for some reason or another I was not able to see before. 

For example, I love to read my brother Myke’s blog because he always writes about things that are very interesting. Even though I see my brother almost every day, (we work together) I don’t always get to hear what he’s thinking or even what some of his interests are( I guess I could be better at communicating, but that’s beside the point). Reading his blog has helped me get to know him in a whole new way, and is one of the main reasons I wanted to start a blog. So one purpose of my blog is to try and help other people learn some things about me that maybe they didn’t know about me before.

Now, that it is just one of the reasons I decided to start a blog. The other reason is because I wanted a blog for my own personal record. When I was on my mission I was really good at writing in a journal. I wrote every single day! Today I still write in it, but just not as often. I usually try to write at least once a week, but many times in ends up being once a month. Even though I still try to write in my journal, I wanted to try and do a little bit more, and I thought a blog would be a good way for me to record some things that are going on in my life. Now with that in mind I honestly don’t really care if nobody else ever reads my blog. Now, I’m not saying I don’t want other people to read it, or that I’m going to make my blog super personal, I’m just saying if the only things that comes from this blog is a record of my writings that I can look back on, then that is fine with meJ

Like I said earlier I really enjoy reading people’s blogs where they share their insights, thoughts, and opinions. I find it to be a neat way for people to express themselves, and that’s what I want to try and do with my blog.

Those that know me well know that I’m a pretty easygoing person, and that I’m not one that likes to draw attention to myself. When I was a kid I was extremely shy, and at times I still am. I think of myself as a quiet but social person. I really enjoy interacting with other people but at that they same time I am totally content to just sit back and observe and listen to other people. But then there are times when we I can talk, and talk and talk. Just ask my wife. When we go on road trips I usually start telling her a story about my childhood, and the next thing you know I am giving her a whole history lesson on my childhood. I have this strange mix of being a quiet person, but also being social. With that weird mixture of personality I find it hard to express myself sometimes. There will be times when I have a random thought going on in my head and I think “Man, I should write about this” or “I want someone to hear this”. With nowhere to really write it, expect for my journal, I find that many times I just don’t end up writing it at all! So I thought that maybe a blog would be a good place that I could write about the random thoughts that go on it my head, and be able to express them. This way I can express myself, and let those that want to hear it can hear it, and those don’t, don’t have to! As Michael Scott would say “Win, win, win”.  Along with expressing myself I also want to write about the things going on in my life.

I am really excited to start blogging and I hope that those that read it will also enjoy getting to know me better. Now comes that hard part, actually making the time to do it!

******Oh, I forgot one thing! You may have noticed a picture of me and a beautiful women on my back (it’s okay to be jealous). That is my breathtaking wife Taylor, as many of you know. I’ve seen a lot of married people have blogs that are for both spouses, and I just wanted to clarify that this blog is just mine. Now I hope people don’t think that my wife and are not unified or anything like that. I just thought it would be fun to have my own blog, with my thought and ideas, and maybe one day she can start one of her own (which I hope she does!). With that said a lot of the things I will blog about will most likely include her or even be about her because she is such a HUGE part of my life. 

With that said, here I go.


  1. I'll totally read your blog, of course I AM your mother :)

  2. We're stalking as well. Keep posting! Great post! And yes, I agree your wife is pretty. I am jealous ;)
